Many of us are seeking to know God’s will for our lives. We are also seeking a church home that will help us be close to God and build a life that will be pleasing to Him.
What does the Athens Church of Christ believe? What are our standards and expectations, and where and how do we come by them? What does the church teach about the vital issues of spiritual life?
We offering a four-week class that will address these questions. Classes will be offered in the house next door to our main facility and will be taught by our church staff and elders. The four weekly topics will be Discipleship, Devotion, Doctrine, and Decision.
We encourage that those who attend be accompanied by a sponsoring Athens Church of Christ member. ACOC members, you need to sign up along with your guest!
Child care and lunch is provided. If you are interested in attending one of these classes, join us on Sunday and inquire about the next series of classes.