Sermon Follow-Up from Sunday January 9
In this passage, Paul urges his original readers/listeners (and us, as well) to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. He then begins to describe what such a life looks like.
For our own good…
Paul prefaces what he is about to say by referring to himself as a “prisoner for the Lord.” Paul also refers to himself as a “prisoner of Christ Jesus” in Ephesians 3:1. Read Eph 3:1 again. For whom does it say Paul has been made a prisoner of Christ?
Paul has willingly become a prisoner of the Lord for the sake of the church! Thus, we can rest assured that all which he is about to call us to be and do when describing this life worthy of our calling is ultimately for our own good. In what ways do you think living a life worthy of our calling is ultimately for our own good as disciples?
What calling?
When Paul tells us to live a life worthy of the calling, to what calling is he referring? Clearly, he is referring to the calling we have as God’s predestined, holy people, which he has been describing in chapters 1-3. Below is a recap of some of the things Ephesians 1-3 teaches us regarding who we have been called to be as the fulfillment of God’s vision!
Holy/Saints, faithful (1:1)
Unified, establishing a “new humanity,” no ethnic, social, gender, or economic barriers…(1:10; 2:11-16).Possessing and displaying the Holy Spirit (1:13)
Saved by grace, through faith. No longer following the ways of the flesh but rather fulfilling the good works for which we have been saved and predestined to do. (2:1-10)
A family of God; a temple in which God dwells by his Spirit (2:19-22)
A revelation of the “manifold wisdom of God.” (3:10)
A display of his glory (3:21)
A Life Worthy of the Calling Begins with…
We must understand the importance of being the God-glorifying community we, the church, are called to be. We must value this vision as much as God does! It has been God’s vision since the beginning of time.
We must appreciate that we, as individuals who heard and responded to the gospel, are now counted among those whom God has called! Awe, reverence, and gratitude towards God should drive our determination to live a life worthy of our calling.
Read Ephesians 5:25 & Mark 3:20-21. What do we learn from these passages about Jesus’ love and devotion to God’s people?
Read Luke 14:25-33 & Luke 9:57-62. What might we learn from these passages regarding the level of love and devotion to God’s kingdom that Jesus expects his followers to have?
In verse 2, Paul begins describing a “worthy life.” The first characteristic he mentions is humility. How do you define humility?
Biblical humility basically boils down to a heart and decision to die to self in order to be like Jesus! Jesus lived to love and serve God and others. You cannot live for self and yet love as Jesus loves.
Read the following passages: Ephesians 5:1-2, 8-10, 12-17
In this passage, Jesus is held up as the ultimate example of humility, and we are called to follow him. From this passage we learn 3 things about humility:
Humility requires emptying one of self
Humility is born from love
Humility is a consequence of trusting God
Humility welcomes the conversation…
Sometimes, protecting the sanctity of our calling as a communion of saints requires having conversations which address spiritual matters, actions, and decisions which affect the body of Christ. What are some of the conversations we need to be willing and open to having in order to protect our collective calling and protect the church from sin and worldliness?
What would prevent you from having these conversations?
Are you humble enough to welcome another brother or sister initiating one of these conversations with you?
In what ways could pride prevent such conversations and hurt the church?
How should we engage in conversations about sin, our spirituality, our giving, evangelism, devotion to the body, and other spiritual matters?