Prayer Requests and Updates
Mike Rose has been hospitalized, at Piedmont, for a foot infection. He’s currently receiving IV antibiotics and awaiting more info about a treatment plan. Cards may be sent to Mike at PO Box 202, Lexington, GA 30648.
Stephanie Copeland’s brother Reggie is home from the hospital. He is recuperating and quarantined while he continues with blood thinning medication and insulin for his diabetes. Stephanie is very thankful for your prayers.
From Carol Pirie (Jack’s grandmother)
BabyJack LaPrade did not need intubation. Yay! His blood gases are very high though so he will require a trach within the next week. This will be done at Mission Hospital in Asheville, NC. Thank you so much for your ongoing fervent prayers. You are a dedicated loving family. His mom and dad Trista and Joel LaPrade would really benefit from a few cards sent to 29 N. Meadow Run, Hendersonville, NC 28792.
Kristine Garcia’s mother Flery Arias (in the Philippines) is now home from the hospital. Please continue your prayers as she recovers.
Jeff Pursell’s niece Bonnie Katherine Youngblood was fighting aggressive lung cancer. This is the latest update from Jeff’s sister, Bonnie Katherine’s mother:
God is great! The Mayo Clinic found no cancer in her MRI’s. They were just small remnants left over from her thyroid. They will continue to monitor. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! For all of your love and prayers!
Pray as they recover:
Lacy Armstrong
Angela Bewley
Derek and Denise Carroll
Ken Lauderdale – surgery rescheduled for January
Ludlow Lawson
Jody Lowe
Elsie Mize
Lisa Sawhill
Anna Lisa Washington
Pray as they grieve:
Denise Carroll and her family.
Marva Cheapoo and family
Kristine Garcia and family
Ronnie Harris and family
Cricket Morrow’s sister Debbie Taylor and family
Dahlia & Roderick Medlock and their daughter Kira
Olivia and Will Weaver
Lisa Goodwin’s uncle and aunt Jack and Janice Woodall