Prayer Request & Updates
Penny Baine had emergency brain surgery on Thursday because of leaking spinal fluid from her original surgery site. She will be at the hospital until tomorrow. The surgeon is going to culture the fluid and see if any bacteria in CSF. She is on a round of antibiotics now. If her brain starts rapidly filling with fluid again he will do the shunt. Pray that the last procedure is successful.
Alan Bohnhoff has been under the weather for at least a week and had to go to St. Mary’s emergency room this morning for observation. They gave him some antibiotics and he is back resting at home.
Teresa Howard had an MRI this week to check if there was a spinal leak and possible infection at her surgery site. No leakage of cerebral fluid, no tumor residue found and pathology report shows benign. Started on antibiotic to fight infected area.
Greg Hunsinger’s mother Debbie Hunsinger has been diagnosed with breast cancer and now she has Covid. She has some big decisions to make. Please pray that God leads and heals her.
Alexa Pursell is at home recovering now. She can walk with a cane and is doing better everyday.
Denny Pyle continues to improve slowly. Doctors are pleased with his progress. He is grateful for your love and prayers. Pray for his breathing, kidney function to improve. Pray also for his strength and endurance.