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Please pray for the people who live in Maui. There have been wildfires there near where Stephen and Kristen Van Buren and their family live.

Here’s a note from Stephen this morning:
Hurricane Dora passed about 500-700 miles south of the islands. However, it created very strong winds. Because it is very dry here right now, there have been multiple brush fires that have broken out and the 30+ mph winds are making it very difficult to control. Lahaina and Lahaina town (Front Street) are on fire as well as upcountry and south Kihei. All inbound roads to Lahaina have been shut down.
We have friends in Lahaina. As of last night, the wife was unable to get in touch with her husband and mom, and she is unable to get there because she was not in Lahaina when they closed the roads down. Some friends in south Kihei had to sleep in their car with their dogs because their community was evacuated. Ella’s school is cancelled this morning. It’s pretty bad here right now, but thankfully where we live is not in an effected zone.

Here is a clip from The Weather Channel that shows the fires in Maui:

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