The Athens Women’s Ministry exists to challenge and equip women to passionately pursue God
and to influence their world. Our purpose is to discover and develop biblical, godly resources to
help women in every stage of life: young, mature, single, married, etc. We delight in extending a
hand to women who want to connect in deeper ways with God.
We have monthly midweeks for women as well as three separate Women’s Bible studies at different times and locations.
Mark 14:8
""She has done what she could...""
Women's Ministry Leadership
Stefanie McClary
Stefanie McClary leads alongside her husband Corrie in the full-time ministry here in Athens.
Nancy Goodwin
Nancy Goodwin is one of our elder’s wives. She leads a monthly Bible study in her home at 132 Oakmont Circle, Winterville 30683. They meet every 3rd Saturday at 9:30am.
They are studying a book by Sky Jethani called WITH
Lisa Sawhill
Lisa Sawhill is one of our elder’s wives and she leads a weekly Bible study in her home at 2960 Flat Rock Road, Watkinsville. God’s Girls meet Thursdays 11am-Noon and are studying the book of I Corinthians.
Brenda Pyle
Brenda Pyle is one of our amazing women who has been a disciple for over 50 years! She leads a weekly Bible study at 415 Leyland Drive, Winder every Thursday 10:30-11:30. They are studying the book of I Corinthians.