Corrie and Stefanie McClary Ministry Couple -

Corrie and Stefanie McClary Ministry Couple -
Corrie and Stefanie McClary are originally from North Carolina and moved to Athens, Georgia in March 2023. The have been married 24+ years and have incredibly fun kids – Ava 20, Chase 18 and Jaxon 13. Corrie and Stefanie have both served in the full time ministry for several churches throughout North Carolina and Ohio for the past 22+ years. They have a passion for helping others see and connect with God and accomplish this through building relationships and living life together.
For Contacting Corrie and Stefanie: Corrie – 704-607-2429/ Stefanie – 704-607-3439
Acts 20:28
"Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood."

Terry & Cricket Morrow
Terry Morrow became a disciple of Jesus Christ in 1973, and currently ministers to our congregation as one of our elders. He is supported by his wife, Cricket, who he married in 1971. The two have served in ministry together in New York, Orlando, and San Diego. The Morrows have been active members of the Athens Church of Christ since moving to Athens in 2008. Terry and Cricket have two daughters and three grandchildren.

Earl & Freda Sims
Earl Sims serves as one of the elders for the Athens Church of Christ. He became a disciple of Jesus and was baptized in 1991. He is supported in his role of shepherding the church by his wife, Freda. The two were married in 1995 and together have three children: sons Caleb and Isaiah, and their daughter, Sarah.

Steve & Rachele Gibson
Steve Gibson grew up in the Churches of Christ in TX, SC, & GA and serves as one of our shepherds. His wife Rachele became a disciple at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill in 1987 and Steve at Georgia Tech in '93. They met at Camp Swamp that same year and married in '97. They have worked for the church in Atlanta and here in Athens and are grateful to have been a part of our local fellowship since the 90's. Steve and Rachele have three wonderful daughters.

Ron & Lisa Sawhill
Ron Sawhill has served as one of our elders since 2015, along with the assistance and support of his wife, Lisa. Ron and Lisa were both baptized into Christ in 1976, Ron at the University of Georgia, and Lisa at Florida State University. After graduating, they met at the Cornerstone Church of Christ in Thomasville, Georgia in 1981. In 1984, they married and moved to Athens, GA to be a part of the Athens Church of Christ. They have three children, Katie, Jeff and Chris, and are eagerly awaiting the arrival of their first grandchild. Ron is an Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture at the University of Georgia, where he teaches and serves as Director of the Undergraduate Program. Lisa has retired from a career of education and interior decorating. Ron was also appointed a teacher for the church in 2012.

Anthony & Patsy Alford
Anthony Alford became a disciple of Jesus Christ in 1992, and currently ministers to our congregation as one of our elders. He is supported by his wife, Patsy, who he married in 1988 . The two have served in ministry together in Atlanta and Athens. The Alford's have been active member of the Athens Church of Christ since 1992. Anthony and Patsy have two children and two grandchildren.

Jeff & Cindy Pursell
Jeff Pursell serves as one of the elders at the Athens Church of Christ. Jeff became a disciple of Jesus Christ on October 10, 2001. He is currently a Director of Controls at ABM and has been with the company for 26 years. He is supported in his role as elder by his wife, Cindy. Together they have served as the shepherding couple for the Athens Church of Christ teen ministry. Jeff and Cindy have been married since 1995 and have two sons Will and Jacob Pursell.

Magnes and Tricia Lewis
Magnes and Tricia have served supporting our Campus Ministry, as well as our Worship Ministry.