Developing Godly Friendships
Posted: March 31, 2011
Developing Godly Friendships by Sam Laing 1. We must make a decision to love 1 John 4:19 – I have been loved by God, now I love others a decision to give of my time/energy/affection/attention we have friendships at the level we decide to have. They don’t just happen. There may be a person we… Read More
Getting Unstuck
Posted: January 29, 2011
Getting Unstuck And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. If he does, the new wine will burst the skins, and the wine will run out and the skins will be ruined. No, new wine must be poured into new wineskins. — Luke 5:37, 38 Did anybody get stuck in the snow or ice… Read More
Prayer and Fasting Sermon Notes
Posted: January 13, 2011
Prayer and Fasting The inner practice that leads to outward change Sermon notes by Sam Laing 1. INNER PRACTICE, OUTWARD CHANGE Matt. 6: 1-4, 5-6, 16-18 Jesus says, Not if, but when you fast… What is fasting? REFRAINING FROM FOOD FOR A SPIRITUAL PURPOSE Not just going w/o food for a period of time –… Read More
Congregational Fasting and Prayer 2011
Posted: January 13, 2011
Congregational Fast 2011 When you fast… Matthew 6:16 …Jehoshaphat resolved to inquire of the LORD, and he proclaimed a fast for all Judah. The people of Judah came together to seek help from the LORD; indeed, they came from every town in Judah to seek him. (2 Chronicles 20:3-4) Begins on Saturday, Jan. 15 and… Read More