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June 13, 2023

House Church Midweek this week!
Check with your house church leader for details.

The dream is becoming a reality!
Dear Church Family,
Please pray for my daughter, Dongwen Hanson, and my granddaughter Ajai, who left for Monrovia, Liberia Monday, June 12. Dongwen will be working to finalize the opening of the school that God has entrusted on our hearts. Thanks again for your prayers and donations. God is forever faithful.
Marva Cheapoo

All your children will be taught by the LORD, and great will be their peace.
Isaiah 54:13

In my last few years of teaching in the public schools, I noticed a decline in children’s ability to solve problems on their own. Simple things, such as having a broken pencil or not knowing how to turn in work became more and more prevalent. Most children are not natural problem-solvers. They must be trained and given opportunities to solve problems to grow in this area. Our sons expressed how surprised they were when they went to college the number of their peers who were not prepared to solve their own problems as they started “adulting.” As parents, we have a wonderful opportunity to help our children have peace as we can help equip them to face whatever comes their way.
Bible study suggestions: Study out Esther and Nehemiah. See how they solved problems. 
Linked here are a few good articles about helping to train your child to be a problem-solver:





 Opportunity to meet a need in the family! 
Mark and Joanna Martin need childcare the week of June 12 from 8-5 each day for their  7-month-old daughter, Autumn. Joanna needs to do training at UGA for work, and Mark just got a new job. They have been unable to get someone to watch Autumn for that week. They will pay for the babysitting, and it is fine if people split the days. Please call Joanna at (404) 433-5606 if you can help any or all of that week.

 Holte Gardens Open House This event has been rescheduled for this Saturday, June 17 @ 9AM-1PM. Click the link to see details on all three pages. This event will benefit Marva Cheapoo’s dream project – a school in Liberia, West Africa. RSVP is encouraged. 

From Steve Gibson, Camp Swamp Director :
Camp Swamp summer sessions have begun! There are still plenty of openings for the second Family Camp at the end of the summer (7/26-29).
Shining Stars Performing Arts Camp will unfortunately need to be cancelled this summer. Our dear sister Carrie Kelsie is facing a very recently diagnosed serious health situation and has requested our prayers.
Please see the list below for an update on what we currently need.
Love you all big time! Steve 706-351-3092
Volunteer Counselors needed
Week 5 (7/9-7/15) – We could 2 more female and 2 more male volunteers.
Kitchen Volunteers needed
Week 1 (6/4-6/10) – We could use a couple more, but we’ll be ok either way.
Week 5 (7/9-7/15) – This is the week that we really need help.  We could use 6 more volunteers.
Week 6 (7/16-7/22) – We need 4 more if possible.
Go to https://www.campswamp.com/youthcamp/ to volunteer.


Mark your calendars!

 June 18 – Congregational Sunday; Father’s Day

June 25 – House Church Sunday
June 14 – House Church Midweek
June 21 – Women’s Midweek 7:00 PM @ the church building
June 28 – Men’s Midweek 7:00 PM @ the church building

  Summer Events  

  Youth & Family Summer Camps are here!
Camp Swamp is in session! Here’s what’s still to come this summer:
Summer Camp Weeks 3-6 (June 25-July 22)
Family Camp II (July 26-29)
If you have any questions regarding these events, please contact Steve Gibson at 706-351-3092 or steve@campswamp.com.  We can’t wait to see you at Camp!

Campus Ministry: ICMC July 6 – 9   Norman, OK 
This conference is an annual highlight for college students across North America to come together to be unified, trained, and inspired. We are anticipating over 1500 college students and campus ministers to gather for a life-changing time. To register, click on the picture:

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