July 20, 2024

Please join us tomorrow for in-person service at 10:30 AM.
We will also be live streaming the service on our website at
Athens Church of Christ.
Have you been on vacation this summer or volunteering with the children and missed a Sunday service? Don’t forget you can watch/listen to previous services/sermons on the website. Just click on “SEE PAST SERVICES” on the homepage:

I am so very grateful for all your thoughts and prayers! Everything went well and I am on the mend! PRAISE GOD!
Love to all, Jan Rowe
Many thanks for all the prayers for my time in Nigeria. It was a wonderful trip. My 84th birthday was celebrated several times with singing and dancing. I arrived home Wednesday morning very thankful, very happy, very tired.
Mollie Mostert

Psalm 5:3 “In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.”
Updates are always appreciated. Send updates to:
Prayer Requests:
Please keep Lee & Marcia Redd, Katherine Williams, and Rebecca Wadsworth in your prayers while they are in Taiwan for Swamp Corps. They return home August 1.
Remember those recovering from surgery or experiencing ongoing health challenges:
Jan Rowe (Julie Quinlan’s mom), Vance Snow, Blong Mua (MeeMua Yang’s brother), Sonny Sessions, Chase McClary, Bobbi Scott, Alberta Patat, Nell Sims, Betty Snodgrass (Dana Chacon’s mom), Terry Stanfield, Pat Snow, Shari McDonald, Cathy LaPrade

Our 3rd week of this year to help Family Promise of Athens is coming up soon! There are only a few needs.
1. We’re looking for volunteers to provide dinner for the two families described below for Tuesday (8/6), Wednesday (8/7), and Thursday (8/8).
2. We need someone on site to monitor the Day Center offices from 1-5pm on Saturday (8/10). (355 Pulaski Street, Athens, GA, 30606)
3. We have the option to provide some fun activities for 3 children that same Saturday afternoon (8/10).
A few thoughts regarding dinners: Since we’re only providing 3 meals for the families during the week, please lean towards generous portion sizes. Too much is always better than not enough. Please also make sure that the “hot items” are fully cooked, and no additional preparation is needed. We’re trying to save them time and take pressure off their work schedules. Each night that we are providing dinners, please drop them off at the two locations listed below (the units are located next to each other in Athens). Dinners should be dropped off between 6:00 and 6:30pm and should be packaged in disposable containers (no need to include utensils or dishware). The inclusion of drinks is optional. If the families don’t answer the door or have not returned home from work, there is a cooler next to the front door of each unit where items can be temporarily stored until they return. Since that may be the case, please package dinners appropriately.
A note about providing fun activities on Saturday. This is an optional service that we can choose to provide. There are three children (ages 8, 9, and 11) that would love to have someone to hang out and play with. These kids enjoy reading books, building puzzles, and playing on the playground.
Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090F4CA5AA29A4FE3-47300007-2024#/
Please let me know if you have ANY questions, and thank you SO very much!
Love you all,
Steve Gibson 706-351-3092
Here is the latest family info:
Unit # 164 Magnolia Terrace. (Family of 4)
Mother: Krystal
Children: Misha – 11 (girl); Everett – 9 (boy); Wyatt – 8 (boy)
Food notes: There are no known food allergies, but no tomatoes, please.
Unit # 158 Magnolia Terrace. (Family of 5)
Father: David
Mother: Alejandra
Children: Joaquin – 18 (boy); William – 18 (boy); and Angelina – 17 (girl)
Food notes: No known allergies or major food dislikes.

Kindred Howard is in the process of moving and has furniture, household items, and a lot of used books which he is selling cheap and/or giving away. Please contact Kindred if you would like more details at (404) 202-2969 or kbhwriter@gmail.com.

HOPE Volunteer Corps Trips Open

If you haven’t signed up yet, don’t worry—there’s still space available for you to join in on the adventure! Explore below to discover the incredible programs awaiting you this year on HOPEww Volunteer Corps service learning trips.
We still have trips open in the second half of this year:
Hawai’i (single professionals) September 10-18
Application Deadline: August 1
South Africa (single professionals) October 19-27
Application Deadline: September 5
Papua New Guinea (all ages) December 16-30
Application Deadline: November 1
Philippines (all ages)December 16-30
Application Deadline: November 1
Nepal (all ages) December 21-January 4
Application Deadline: November 5
For the past 30 years, HOPEww Volunteer Corps has been impacting children and vulnerable people in need all around the world. Join us for a life-changing experience.

Volunteers leave an indelible mark of love on the lives of those they serve, and their own lives are forever changed as they build relationships and learn from the local communities.
Registration is closing soon, so apply today: APPLY NOW
For more information regarding HVC programs, contact hvc@hopeww.org or 833-448-2677.

We are so excited to be able to offer support for some of our members who are traveling missionaries. Please email Marcia, Amy, or Nancy for more information and specifically for the support request form.
Marcia Redd: marciaredd@aol.com
Amy Rose: amschern@yahoo.com
Nancy Goodwin: ngoodwin.rdh@gmail.com
Meets every Sunday via Zoom
7:45-8:45 AM (Please note the new time!)
Meeting Link: Wine to Water
Meeting ID: 819 6996 1861
Anyone who thinks they might have a problem with alcohol or drugs is invited. Participants do not have to be a member of our congregation. More info about Wine to Water can be found at https://www.athenscoc.com/ministries/wine-to-water/.