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August 22, 2023

Men’s Midweek
Tomorrow night – Wednesday, August 23 @ 7:00 PM

 Bobbi Scott’s daughter, Samantha Bruno. She is having hip surgery this Friday the 25th. Please pray for a good outcome and recovery.

We will be meeting on the campus of UGA for our worship service on August 27 instead of meeting in House Churches. There will be no child care. We will have a family friendly service. More details to come soon!

If you are facilitating a small group within the church such as a family group, BEMA class, God’s Girls, a fireside chat group, etc. please let Corrie know who is in your group via email: corriemcclary@gmail.com

August 23 – Men’s Midweek
August 25-27 – Mother/Daughter Retreat @ Camp Swamp

August 27 – Family Friendly Service on UGA Campus
August 30 – Middle School and Teen Kickoff
All middle schoolers, high schoolers, and their parents are encouraged to attend @ 7:00 PM at the church building.
For everyone else, this will be “Hospitality Wednesday.”

Psalm 100
Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
Worship the Lord with gladness;
    come before Him with joyful songs.
Know that the Lord is God.
    It is He who made us, and we are His;
    we are His people, the sheep of His pasture.
Enter His gates with thanksgiving
    and His courts with praise;
    give thanks to Him and praise His Name.
For the Lord is good and His love endures forever;
    His faithfulness continues through all generations.

This coming Sunday, August 27, will be a family worship on the UGA campus. What a wonderful opportunity for our children to experience the joy of worshipping the LORD with us as a family! This short article talks about the positive effects of worshipping together with our children:


Opportunities abound for many to participate in retreats and volunteer activities this fall. Keep scrolling to see the list…

 Hi, Camp Swamp Family!

We just completed an amazing summer and fall is just around the corner. We wanted to remind you of several retreats including one that is happening this weekend. Our Mother-Daughter Retreat August 25-27, 2023 is for campers 5 years old and above. This year’s theme is “Connection” with special guest speakers, Patti Hunter and Halie Clark. We encourage mothers, grandmothers, aunts, and friends/mentors to join us for this wonderful opportunity. It will be an opportunity to disconnect from the everyday busyness of life, and take time to connect with daughters/granddaughters, nieces, and mentees as well as other incredible women from around the Southeast. 

We have a couple of requests: First, volunteers are needed! We can’t run our retreats without volunteers! If you’re looking for a way to serve, we need kitchen workers (18+) and teen workers (rising 10th graders) and counselors. This is a great opportunity to serve.  

Second, feedback from Camp Swamp surveys are needed! – Whether you are a camper, parent of a camper, counselor, or volunteer from this past family or summer camps, please help us by completing the survey. Our mission is to help kids see God and your feedback helps us be sure we not only continue doing that, but that we can be even better moving forward!

To fill out the survey, click here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/8867VBM

Mother-Daughter Retreat – “Connection”, August 25-27, $95/individual ($120 after August 15)

For MORE INFO, click https://www.campswamp.com/youthcamp/registration/retreats/.


Thank you for supporting Camp Swamp! We are SO grateful for you!

Steve and Rachele Gibson, Camp Swamp GA – Directors


We are so excited for our High School Retreat from September 15-17 entitled “The Possible Challenge”. You can register here for $95 which includes 2 nights at Camp Swamp, all meals Saturday (note: no meals on Friday), breakfast/lunch on Sunday, and a T-shirt! Cost goes up to $120 after September 4th, so be sure to register ASAP!

We will be bringing back the TALENT SHOW on the Saturday night of the retreat. If  teens want to submit a talent, please click here for instructions and signing up!

Please let us know if you have any questions. Looking forward to an incredible weekend!

We are excited to announce the 2023 Southeast Singles Retreat, entitled “Limitless – No Boundaries” in beautiful Chattanooga! We believe that God can overcome any boundary in our lives. Whether it’s cultural, financial, emotional, or self-imposed, God can do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine. For those who attended the retreat last year, the format will be similar.  Like last year in planning this retreat, our mission is to create a space for people to spend time with God and to fellowship together in all walks of life.  We’re praying that everyone leaves inspired by our limitless God!  Register now to get our early bird pricing of $30! Cost rises to $50 on October 1. Click on the picture below for details:

Looking for a way to serve others? 
There are multiple opportunities for people to travel and serve this fall with the potential to be partially funded through Generosity Sunday funds. Please see the websites below.  Anyone interested should contact one of the ministers or elders.  

•   Swamp Corps https://www.campswamp.com/swampcorps/ – 3 upcoming trips this fall.

•   HOPEww Volunteer Corps https://www.hopeww.org/hvc – 3 trips open this Fall, each one is at least one week in length.

•   HOPEww Community Service Brigades https://www.hopeww.org/csb – 4 trips left this fall, four-day long missions.

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