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August 15, 2023

Women’s Midweek
Tomorrow night – Wednesday,  August 16 @ 7:00 PM
“She Laughs at the Days to Come:
Knowing the Enemy”

If you are facilitating a small group within the church such as a family group, BEMA class, God’s Girls, a fireside chat group, etc, please let Corrie know who is in your group via email: corriemcclary@gmail.com

We will be meeting on the campus of UGA for our worship service on August 27 instead of meeting in House Churches. There will be no child care. We will have a family friendly service. More details to come soon!

Kieffer, the 8 year old nephew of Sharon Brooks’ dear friend, Toni, from the Philippines was recently diagnosed with aplastic anemia. The only possible cure is a bone marrow transplant and doctors anticipate he will only live another 2-3 years without one. Please pray for Kieffer to fight this and for his family as they work to raise the funds needed. Cards cannot be easily sent due to their location but if you are interested in donating to his medical care (they will have to raise roughly $50K), please email sharon@seoteric.com.

Isaac, who had a taste for wild game, loved Esau, but Rebekah loved Jacob. Genesis 25:28
Now Israel loved Joseph more than any of his other sons, because he had been born to him in his old age; and he made an ornate robe for him. Genesis 37:3

Continuing in the vein of “No Fair!” from last week, the focus now is on parents treating their children fairly. We can easily see how some  parents in the Bible showed favoritism among their children. As a reaction to this, we may try to treat each child exactly the same. That pendulum swing has it’s own set of consequences. There are definitely different viewpoints on this topic, but I found the following articles to give helpful suggestions for parents as we work to develop healthy self-worth in our children showing them that God loves them and we love them equally, but that does not always mean treating them equally. Equity/fairness has to do with what we each, as individuals, need, and that does not always look the same for everyone. 

The Family Promise Host Congregation for this week (8/13 – 8/20) is seeking volunteers to cover the host slots and have another great week at the shelter. There is a particular need for Overnight Hosts. If you are available to take ANY slots through Sunday 8/20, please sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090f4ca5aa29a4fe3-2022#/

August 16 – Women’s Midweek: “Knowing the Enemy”
August 20 – Congregational Sunday
August 21 – Church’s Softball Teams play at Bishop Park
705 Sunset Drive in Athens @ 6:30 & 7:30 PM

August 23 – Men’s Midweek
August 25-27 – Mother/Daughter Retreat @ Camp Swamp

August 27 – Family Friendly Service on UGA Campus
August 30 – Middle School and Teen Kickoff
All middle schoolers, high schoolers, and their parents are encouraged to attend @ 7:00 PM at the church building.
For everyone else, this will be “Hospitality Wednesday.”

Looking for a way to serve others? 
There are multiple opportunities for people to travel and serve this fall with the potential to be partially funded through Generosity Sunday funds. Please see the websites below.  Anyone interested should contact one of the ministers or elders.  

•   Swamp Corps https://www.campswamp.com/swampcorps/ – 3 upcoming trips this fall.

•   HOPEww Volunteer Corps https://www.hopeww.org/hvc – 3 trips open this Fall, each one is at least one week in length.

•   HOPEww Community Service Brigades https://www.hopeww.org/csb – 4 trips left this fall, four-day long missions.

Camp Swamp Retreat Schedule
To register for any of the retreats, click on the link:
Calling all Singles! 
We are excited to announce the 2023 southeast singles retreat, entitled “Limitless – No Boundaries” in beautiful Chattanooga! We believe that God can overcome any boundary in our lives. Whether it’s cultural, financial, emotional, or self-imposed, God can do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine. For those who attended the retreat last year, the format will be similar.  Like last year in planning this retreat, our mission is to create a space for people to spend time with God and to fellowship together in all walks of life.  We’re praying that everyone leaves inspired by our limitless God!  Register now to get our early bird pricing of $30! Click on the picture below for details:

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